Risk Insurance

Death/Disability and Critical Illness cover for personal insurance needs
Death Cover
Is part of an insurance policy taken out to protect against the financial loss that would result from the premature death of an insured. This could apply to personal estate needs or in the form of business insurance to cover key individuals and partners. Upon death your nominated beneficiaries/estate/owner will be paid the value of your Death Cover.
Disability Cover
Can either be in the form of a monthly income policy (with waiting periods that can range from 7 days to 24 months before income is paid until selected expiry age of 65 or 70) for temporary disablement. Or as a lump sum payment to individuals who as a result of a permanent disability can no longer work or are functionally impaired.
Severe Illness
An insurance that protects the insured, in the event of specified major health events. Most common conditions covered include (but not limited to); heart attack, stroke or cancer. Severe illness Benefit coverage is a lump sum benefit and can be paid in full or in partial payments ranging from 5% to 75% depending on the condition and severity of the event. Severe illness insurance can be used to supplement a beneficiary’s existing health and disability coverage.