Stephen Cloete

Owner and Financial Advisor

Stephen Cloete is an Accredited Financial Planner and founder of Stephen Cloete & Associates. Stephen is deeply passionate not only about providing truly independent and best in class advice, but also matching the advice to what really matters to each client. This deeply personal and in-depth understanding of a client’s unique circumstances aims to achieve the ultimate goal – allowing clients to rest easy that someone is looking after their financial affairs. Whether this be in the form of protection and insurance and/or maximising the growth of their wealth. Stephen has journeyed through the many chapters of the financial services industry in South Africa. Having sat on both sides of the table, Stephen brings an unparalleled depth of experience. Cutting through the fluff of technical terms and clauses, Stephen continues to seek purpose-built solutions for his clients. Sensitive to costs; insensitive to “one size fits all”.
Stephen Cloete & Associates was founded in 2004. 16 years later the firm’s mission remains unchanged, and Stephen’s commitment unwavering : do the best for clients unfettered by complexity or conflict.

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